Tried and tested: Keen Liberty Ridge boot

Out-of-the-box comfort, mud-defying and long-lasting build… Tracey Radnall takes Keen’s new 3-season boot for a walk and is mighty impressed

Keen’s new 3-season boot is made from a single piece of leather and designed for rough ascents and weekend hikes. Keen claim a ‘million step comfort’ because of the midsole being made from PU and tests have shown this material compacts far slower and to lesser extent than EVA.


The boots were comfy straight from the box, with only the ankle cuff requiring a gentle breaking-in. The boot has an ergonomic appearance and the fit is more like an approach shoe than a boot, yet cleverly doesn’t sacrifice stiffness. This encourages a more natural stride pattern, leaving you less preoccupied with comfort and able to enjoy the walking experience so much more. The top two pairs of lace cleats lock the laces in place meaning they do not work lose.

I tested these during wetter than usual for the time of year in the southern uplands. My feet stayed bone dry thanks to the Keen Dry waterproof membrane. I also liked the reinforced plastic heal guard and the now familiar toe rand, ideal for gritty British hills.

I didn’t quite make the million step mark but I covered 9,900 very comfortable steps on an old trade route called the Herring Road in the Lammermuir’s during an autumn day, which bodes well for long-term use.


A comfortable ergonomic fit that roll nicely with your stride. The sole is grippy and sturdy in wet and muddy weather, making them ideal for British hikes. If you are looking for a hard-wearing boot for weekends away these are a serious contender.

OAG Rating: 9/10

The details

RRP: £150

Size tested: UK 6

Colour tested: dark grey leather, dark pink laces (womens)