/A beautiful freshly baked rustic bloomer and no knife. Sound familiar? This is the Outdoor Adventure Guide on outdoor eats
Here’s how it goes. Lob a load of kit into your backpack or the car (or campervan if you’re lucky) on the hunt for outdoor adventures. You’ve got enough waterproof gear to protect the population of Swindon from a monsoon, three rolls of duct tape (just in case) and the all-important bottle opener. What more do you need for a sojourn in the wilderness?
You haven’t given much thought to the tricky issue of nutrition so you swing by a supermarket (preferably a massive one so you can buy a cooler bag whilst you’re at it) and purchase the essentials – beer; a huge pack of bacon; tea bags; beans with sausages; unsliced bread (obviously); and a disposable BBQ. Sorted.
There you have it – for some unfathomable reason, we cannot seem to think past breakfast. Your epic adventure turns into an exercise in survival.
This is a common issue in the world of outdoor adventuring – you are not alone.
With this in mind, we thought for our next issue of ‘Outdoor Adventure Guide on:’, we’d pull together some of your favourite articles on campfire food and outdoor eating. Hopefully you’ll find some inspiration and if you’ve got something to add – drop it in the comments below.
Outdoor Adventure Guide Best Read:
OAG recommended reading and best of the rest:
If you liked this, we’ve got a magazine that you’ll love. The 2018 spring issue is out now and you can still get the awesome summer subscription offer – £10 for two bumper issues and a load of loot. Click here for more info.
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